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Papers, panels, & plenaries: Conference season summary

The Digital Aging Trent team has just wrapped up a rousing conference season. At the recent 2019 Trent Aging Conference (a joint international conference of the North American Network in Aging Studies (NANAS) and European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS)), the team delivered the following papers, panels, and plenaries:

Kirsten Ellison delivered a paper titled “Of Molecules and Monsters: The Zombie Metaphor in Popular Representations of Cellular Senescence”.​

Stephen Katz delivered a plenary addressed titled “Making Up the Life Course: Age Crises, Troubled Identities and Risky Trajectories”. He also delivered a paper titled “Longevity as a Cultural Field: Extending Life and Survivorship in Old Age”.

Nicole Dalmer delivered a paper titled “Mapping the Social Organization of Family Caregivers’ Information Work”

Barb Marshall chaired two panels. One titled “Queering Aging Futures: Feminist, Queer, Decolonial and Crip Visions of a Good Old Age” and the second titled “Critical Engagements with Aging and Technology”.

Barb and Nicole also presented a paper titled “Policies, problematizations, and place: Deconstructing the positioning of technologies in Canadian aging in place policies” at the Canadian Society for the Sociology of Health’s Canadian – Australian Health Sociology Conference in Vancouver in June.


Department of Sociology, Trent University

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