On October 15, 2019, the Digital Culture & Quantified Aging team will be participating in the fourth Decimal Lab Speaker Series, Aging and the Digital: The imagined and lived dimensions of aging with digital technology. Hosted by Dr. Isabel Pedersen (Decimal Lab, Ontario Tech University) and moderated by Dr. Barb Marshall, the event will feature talks by Drs. Stephen Katz, Kirsten Ellison and Kim Sawchuk. With a goal of moving beyond the premise that aging is a problem to be fixed and/or managed by technology, the speakers probe the sociocultural, material, and discursive implications of innovations in digital tech, covering topics that include smart lives, smart homes and AI technofuturism.
The event is free and open to the public.
Where: Centre for Social Innovation, The Atrium, 192 Spadina Ave. Toronto, ON
When: October 15, 2019, 5:30-7:30pm